1. Make an Arch Linux microSD for booting
The best installation manual I think is here.
In accordance with the instructions in this manual, I have been able to install successfully.
2. Install software packages of my robot developing
And setting a environment for developing robot is able to use my post.
3. Setting for microSD booting on BeagleBone Black
It need a operation below to boot from microSD card.
[root@rcmp-r07 ]# mount /dev/mmcblk1p1 /mnt
[root@rcmp-r07 ]# cd /mnt
[root@rcmp-r07 ]# wget http://archlinuxarm.org/os/omap/BeagleBone-bootloader.tar.gz
[root@rcmp-r07 ]# tar zxvf BeagleBone-bootloader.tar.gz -C .
[root@rcmp-r07 ]# cd ..;sync;sync
[root@rcmp-r07 ]# umount mnt
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