
Xtion on Raspberry Pi

Today, I  checked the performance of the parallel processing combined getting depth data from Xtion , moving 8 servos and getting 4 sensor's data on Raspberry PI.
I confirmed that it is necessary to adjust the performance.
To run  getting  depth data from Xtion  on another Raspberry Pi,  might be better.
It's easy to add a cpu like Raspberry Pi on my robot system. My robot system was designed as a distributed computing model.

Xtionからdepthデータを取得しながら、同時にサーボや、センサーを動かした。負荷が高まり、Xtionのデータ取りこぼしが発生した。やはり、複数台のRaspberry Piを使った方がよい。予想された事だけど、、、

improvement ideas
                              Cooperative Control      Xtion      Servo       Sensor
Raspberry Pi-A                 master                   -            x               x

Raspberry Pi-B                 agent                     x            -                -

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